777 Charlie is a 2022 Indian Kannada-language adventure comedy-drama film written and directed by Kiranraj K. and produced by Paramvah Studios. It stars Charlie, a labrador dog in the titular role, and Rakshit Shetty alongside Sangeetha Sringeri, Raj B. Shetty, Danish Sait and Bobby Simha. The film follows the journey and bonding between a lonely factory worker and a stray labrador dog.
777 Charlie was announced in September 2017. Principal photography took place from June 2018 to October 2021, with delays due to COVID-19 pandemic. The film was shot in various locations across Karnataka, Goa, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir. 777 Charlie had a limited theatrical release on 2 June 2022, and released in cinemas worldwide on 10 June along with dubbed versions in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. The film received huge critical acclaim for its cast performances (particularly Rakshit Shetty and Charlie), writing, emotional weight and direction. With theatrical earnings of ₹105 crore (US$14 million) globally, 777 Charlie is the fourth highest-grossing Kannada film of all time.
Charlie 777 Review by Nishit Shaw
For the first time ever, reading a review on this Portal, weeks after the film’s release? This has not happened before but this time, things were different.
Twitter DMs, Instagram & Facebook were flooded with reviews where my followers forced to watch #Charlie777 before it leaves the theatres. The only reason I didn’t watch the film because I truly thought that an emotional film that is dubbed will fail to convey the required emotions and will fall flat. I was wrong.
First things first, the story of the movie is very nice. When the story is good, more than half the battle is won. That’s not all, director Kiranraj K has made sure that the story is imposed on the minds of the audience without any filter. Dubbing, language barrier, character writing, nothing stopped the story to be convincing.
Talking about performances, I will save your time here as praising any one actor would be total injustice. All the actors have done a phenomenal job, the Hindi dubbing is top notch which does not obstruct the execution. Was extremely shocked to note such improvised dialogues in a dubbed film with extraordinary cinematography, superior screen writing and exceptional character writing. Rakshit Shetty as Dharma and Charlie remain pillars of the story. However, the essence is added by the ensemble cast and Sangeetha, Raj and Danish set up the entire convincing run.
I can write thousand lines but to see the perfection you have to feel it. Watching it will make you fall in love with it. Charlie 777 has some exceptional music and will make you moist eyed. While the first half is explaining the whereabouts, second half has the real action but as a whole piece, the first half’s feeding at the back of your mind lets you enjoy the Charlie 777 experience.
A must watch for everyone. One of the best films for me. Bow down to the entire team. If I have left names, I’m sorry but each one of you deserve standing ovations for for the fantastic job.